Roselle is located in Dupage and Cook Counties. This cozy town is known for its fun-filled community events and festivals. Roselle is home to the finest winery in Illinois. Lynfred Winery hosts tours and tastings all year round and includes luxurious bed and breakfast suites. This city also has many walking, hiking, and even cross country skiing trails located within their preserves. Roselle is where the Sharon Falco Group is rooted.
Village Hall
31 S. Prospect St.
Roselle, IL
VIllage Hall / Water Billing: 630-980-2000
Village Information
Roselle Police Department
103 S Prospect Street
Roselle, IL
Non-Emergency: 630-980-2025
Fire Department
100 E. Maple Avenue
Roselle, IL
Roselle Public Library
40 Park Street
Roselle, IL
Garbage Service
Allied Waste