HomeCommunitiesHoffman Estates
Hoffman Estates 
Hoffman Estates is located in Cook & Kane Counties. This town is the recipient of 5 Governor's Home Town Awards, which is given to cities that strive to improve the quality of their local community. Hoffman Estates is home to 4,000 acres of open space, trails and 3 forest preserves. The Sears Centre Arena and Harper College are also located in this progressive town.
Village Hall
1900 Hassell Road
Hoffman Estates, IL
Village Hall / Water Billing: 847-882-9100
Village Information
Hoffman Estates Police Department
411 W. Higgins Road
Hoffman Estate, IL
Non-Emergency: 847-781-2800
Fire Department
1700 Moon Lake Boulevard
Hoffman Estate, IL
Palatine Public Library
3600 Lexington Drive
Hoffman Estates, IL
Schaumburg Township Library
1550 Hassell Road
Hoffman Estates, IL
Garbage Service