How to Increase Your Home’s Value on a Budget
Posted Wednesday, February 23, 2022 
Although increasing the value of your home can be expensive, fortunately, there are ways to achieve this goal without breaking the bank. Here are four ways to increase home value on a budget.
Start Decluttering
Decluttering is one of the least expensive ways to increase home value. To avoid getting overwhelmed, tackle one room at a time. Sort your belongings into piles of what you will keep, donate, and sell. Check out some quick tips below:
- Pare down closets. Make your closets look more spacious by removing extra hangers you don’t use and clothes you don’t wear.
- Clear kitchen countertops. Move all countertop appliances, including your toaster and blender.
- Depersonalize your home. Put away personal items like family photos, so buyers can imagine themselves in your home.
- Cut down on throw pillows and blankets in the living room. Simplify décor and store knick-knacks to make the space feel larger.
- Put away kids’ toys & pet toys. Limit the toys available for play while buyers will be viewing your home.
- Create a pleasant laundry area. Add a plant or flowers, clear countertops, and stash away laundry detergent. Prospective buyers will be able to imagine themselves almost enjoying the task.
Time for a Deep Clean
Once you’ve decluttered, it’s time to deep clean. Lingering odors from pets and cooking can put off potential homebuyers, so make sure to have your carpeting and upholstery cleaned. Consider hiring a team of professional cleaners who can get into every nook and cranny. A sparkling, clean-smelling house can increase home value, help you sell faster, and draw a higher price.
Paint on Added Value
Dirty or chipped paint can lower your property value and discourage potential homebuyers. Painting walls a neutral color is a small investment that typically increases home value. Exterior painting may be pricier, but the aesthetic upgrade in curb appeal can make your home sell quicker and at a higher price.
Maximize the Details
Even small changes can add up to big improvements in your home’s appearance. Consider these affordable updates that can increase home value:
- Replace knobs on kitchen cabinets
- Upgrade your bathroom faucet
- Refinish your hardwood floors
- Repaint or replace your front door
- Wash windows and siding
- Add exterior lighting
- Spruce up your yard with intentional landscaping
When you’re ready to sell, choose a real estate agent who can offer guidance on which updates will get you the best value for your home.
For a top-rated listing agent who’ll be there every step of the way,
contact The Sharon Falco Group today at (630) 307-2760.